Monday, July 23, 2007

My articles - and that dreaded word "copyright"!

It has come to my attention that some of my articles relating to the McCanns have been posted in full on other forums. You at the back, stop shuffling! Yes you laddie - stand still!:)

I have no objection to anyone republishing such articles, either in part or in full - for any reason. I only ask that you do not alter the wording of the articles, and provide a link back to this blog.

You may also want to protect yourself by including a short notice along the lines of "Published with the permission of Mike Hitchen/i On Global Trends." That way no one can accuse you of having used it without permission. Copyright issues can often be used as a tool in online debates, so best to protect yourself against such issues. Such a notice also makes you look good and makes me look important!:)

When it comes to other articles however, I would ask that you contact me first in case other parties are involved in granting of copyright.

I have never refused anyone permission to use my articles before this, basically because no one has ever wanted to use them before!