Friday, July 20, 2007

This wasn't supposed to be a post - it just turned out that way!

No disrespect to Madeleine but I find it hard not to think of Emerson, Lake and Palmer's, Karn Evil, whenever I write about the McCanns, so -

"Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside"

I wasn't going to publish a post tonight about the McCanns - and for a very good reason. When I opened my mailbox this morning I received something that has left me speechless. It has occupied my thoughts all day - that and a visit to the dentist to have simple repairs made to my dentures but which ended up a lot more complicated and uncomfortable than I expected!

I can't tell you what I received at this stage, I am awaiting permission from a few people before I do so. But it revolves around two poems - and I am still stunned!

However, over the last two days I have come across two websites that may give you an idea of how Team McCann has been able to (1) Get support from "Pillars of Society" and (2) Fool the people - or at least "fool" bandwagon-jumpers.

Let's take a look first at "Fair Deal Phil." If you have never heard of someone who sounds more like a used car salesman than a local politician, his blog gives the following description.

"Former journalist Phil Dilks has lived in Deeping St James, South Lincolnshire, UK for 25 years. Phil represents his local community on Lincolnshire County Council where he is Labour’s Shadow Portfolio Holder for Education. He's a member of Lincolnshire Police Authority and former chairman of Deeping St James Parish Council.

Notice the references to "education" and "Police Authority".

Towards the bottom of his blog, he has an article entitled, "My wife meets Madeleine's parents..." a touchy-feely piece about how his wife met The Grubs in a hotel and how gaunt Kate looked. Aaw, makes your little heart weep doesn't it. She could have always cuddled Cuddle Cat for comfort.

He finishes with this comment, "When Madeleine first went missing, there were questions raised about why they left their children in their holiday apartment while they went for a meal. I certainly remember doing exactly the same when our children were small."

And this Pillock of Society is a member of Lincolnshire Police Authority and his local council's Shadow Portfolio Holder for Education.

Would you like some advice Fair Deal Phil? How about being Fair Dinkum and giving a Fair Deal and a Fair Go to society's most vulnerable and precious beings? Fairs fair after all.


I also came across another website which I can no longer find! It contained an article about a singer who had penned a song for Madeleine - one he has been asked to sing at a Find Madeleine fundraiser. The composer waxes lyrical about how he would feel if it was his little girl and the song contains the line "I would walk the world for you".

Mate, if you want to portray the McCanns accurately, change it to, "I would move from one comfy armchair and dinner table to another for you."

Can I now make my own impassioned plea? One straight from the heart and one I believe shared by all Aussies. If Team McCann are going to have, "A Song For Maddie" competition, we will donate as much as you like - as long you as you don't have Terry Wogan! A few years ago Australian TV screened two versions of the Eurovision Song Contest. One with Wogan, one without - due to popular demand!

Incidentally, I have noticed a few references to Kate's green and yellow dress? Are you sure it is not green and gold - the Australian colours? Is she sending a coded message!

* The photoblog has been updated

Wherever you may be - be safe