Monday, July 23, 2007

Time For Bed Said Zebidee

It is now past 2:30 am and as things seem to have quietened down a bit, I will head to bed.

There will now be an eight hour break during which time feel free to listen to the 8 hour CD boxed set of Gerry's misleading statements, contradictions and excuses for leaving three tiny little tots alone every night of their holiday. Included in the collection are bonus tracks from the British media explaining why the McCanns should be left alone, and why they are an example to all parents.

I will also leave you with a few verses from a song by Tom Paxton, written at the time the US government bailed out Chrysler. Just change the name to Gerry:) It's worth clicking on the link to see the rest, and if possible finding a recording.

I am changing my name to Chrysler
I am going down to Washington D.C.
I will tell some power broker
What they did for Iacocca
Will be perfectly acceptable to me
I am changing my name to Chrysler
I am headed for that great receiving line
So when they hand a million grand out
I'll be standing with my hand out
Yes sire I'll get mine

Thanks everyone for all your responses and support.