Thursday, August 02, 2007

Doctor, doctor.

Someone has asked me what my favourite moment in the life of i On Global Trends has been. OK, no one has actually asked me, but I was thinking about this last night and the good old "someone has asked me" routine is a favourite ploy by the media to introduce a story!

Up until now it has been exposing, "Doctor Life". Yes I know, I seem to have a thing about wanting to expose doctors don't I! I promise you though - I never expose myself:)

Doctor Life was a blogger who spouted extreme right wing political and religious views. He was detested on blog communities and unfortunately, his extreme views left a lot of readers emotionally hurt and upset.

At first I adopted the tactic of pointing out contradictions in his articles. For example he claimed he was "Chairperson of the North American League of Prayer." All very nice except no such organisation existed. There were many other statements about himself and his family that I was able to prove were untrue. The exposure can be seen here.

As is often the case with such people, he became cocky. He thought he was invincible and that nothing anyone could say would hurt or discredit him. When that happens - that's when such people slip up - and it only takes one mistake.

The nail in his coffin was handed to me on a plate the day he posted a photograph on his blog claiming, "My Son Speaking At a Pro-Life Rally in 2003".

Fortunately for me - and unfortunately for him - at that time I had close connections with Missouri. I immediately recognised the photo as being that of Matt Blunt - the State Governor!

After a bit of a ding-dong, I eventually contacted Ken McClure, Matt Blunt's Chief of Staff. Needless to say - the office of the Governor of the State of Missouri, was not amused.

Now let me see. When is my next appointment with a doctor?