Monday, August 06, 2007

Gerry McCann: How do you sleep at night?

From Yesterday Man's blog

Day 94 - 05/08/2007

"We attended church this morning as usual. The local priest father Manuel is on holiday so the mass was all in Portuguese and although quicker than normal we did not understand too much of the sermon."

How inconsiderate for a church in Portugal to conduct the service in Portuguese. I would phone Gordon Brown again and complain if I were you Gerry - after all according to Clarence, you do have a line of communication to your fellow countryman.

Obviously your much publicised desire to learn Portuguese is not going that well. Perhaps you don't have the time with all the filming to camera you boast about.

"I note there was a lot of coverage of Kates interview in the Sunday newspapers today. I managed to read one of them and certainly seemd to sum up very well how we are feeling and coping without Madeleine. The key message is that we are doing everything we can to help find Madeleine."

Your wife gives her first solo interview and you found it too difficult to gauge response? The key message is that you still fail to admit you were wrong and are continuing to pass the buck - while trying to make a quick one.

"Kate and I popped back down to the church later on tonight to say a few quiet prayers for Madeleine. The town is much busier at tnight than when we first came here on holiday and ieven compared to a few weeks ago."

Gerry, is updating this blog such a chore that you can not even be bothered to run a simple spell check? It gives the impression that you just sit down, say what you think are the right things, click the "publish" button and bugger off for another canape.

Why is it that anything involving Madeleine is such a chore to you - including fulfilling your parental responsibility to her safety and well being?

At least Kate had the decency to send Maddy a message, I have rarely heard any words of love or affection from you. Even before you altered your Friends Reunited profile, there was no sign of affection in your announcement of Madeleine's birth - just the usual reference to Maddy's crying.

Day 93 - 04/08/2007

"Another early start to the day as I dropped the crew who did some filming for the website and other forthcoming events. Kate and I did a short interview reviewing the last 3 months and the search for Madeleine. We spent the rest of the day with the kids and Kate’s family. We were all glad it clouded over in the afternoon to give us some respite from the intense heat.

The most recent searches by the police have attracted a lot of renewed media interest with satellite trucks arriving back in Praia da Luz. It is likely that some of the British Broadcasters will also come back out."

The police were carrying out a search of the residence of a man, who thanks to your finger-pointing, story-changing friends, had become the only official suspect, and you do not make that event the lead story in your blog!

Every important event in the search for the daughter whose love you betrayed is overshadowed by your determination to parade yourself as the star of the show - a show in which the plot is now thickening. Exit Murat, stage left - and enter who I wonder?

"We were all very tired and we managed to get off to bed at 10.30pm, which is very early for us by recent standards."

As the search continued, you went to bed. You did not stay up waiting for news or developments. How on earth could you sleep? Perhaps you knew as we all now know, that nothing would be found.

A pretty face may last a year or two,
But pretty soon they'll see what you can do,
The sound you make is muzak to my ears,
You must have learnt something all those years,
How do you Sleep?
Ah how do you sleep at night?