Sunday, August 12, 2007

Goodnight from Sydney - Aug 12

Earlier I mentioned how I took some time off today to take a little break from things. People ask me how I keep sane during this affair, well, the answer is easy. I have great support not only from those who contribute to this blog - people who have become great and special friends, but also from two special people "off-blog" Mel and Jenny, who I asked to stay in the background:)

In addition, I have the wonder of Sydney Harbour near me - as you can see.

This is a view of Tambourine Bay, named after a notorious female criminal of the 19th century - "Tambourine Nell" I have no idea why she was notorious but I would prefer to let my imagination over-rule any known facts!

Although I have done this walk many times, until today I had not seen it in this light. I sat on the stone jetty for about 15 minutes, before continuing my walk.

I guess I should have altered the photo to make the jetty more visible - but this is how I see it. I like to see things without embellishment - that way I get the true picture.

Wherever you may be - be safe