Thursday, August 30, 2007

Goodnight from Sydney - on a lighter note:)

Just to finish on a lighter note, the Sydney Morning Herald describes security at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum as "designed to foil terrorists by sheer bafflement".

Last month reporters had to fill in a nine-page questionnaire, including every address they had occupied in the past 10 years (with the dates when they had moved in and out).

They were told that to obtain APEC photo ID passes they had to appear in person with photo identification. At the Sydney Convention Centre they were confronted by a wall of police and security guards who told them - guess what! - "You can't enter without your APEC photo ID passes,"

Full article: To collect your photo ID card, please show us your photo ID card

Which leads me to a joke about former Australian Prime Minister, Bob Hawke.

Bob died and went to heaven (no - that's not the joke!) and was met at the Pearly Gates by St Peter.

"Who are you?" asked St Peter

"I'm the Prime Minister of Australia" Bob replied.

"Oh right. I have to ask you to prove your identity" St Peter informed him - much to Bob's annoyance.

"How can I bloody prove to you, that I'm the bloody Prime Minister of bloody Australia ya daft bugger?"

St Peter smiled and replied, "Don't worry - you just have".