Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Goodnight from Sydney

Almost time to call it a night, but a few thoughts before I go.

I am delighted at the number of people who are using the blog in the way it was originally intended. Not only reading but taking the time to comment.

Earlier this year, this blog was nominated for the Weblog Awards, under the "Best Business Blog" category. At that time the format was "ten-posts-per-day" and I would like to head back in that direction.

For the time being, I don't think I can achieve ten posts per day as I still want to make sure our questions will eventually be answered. It is not an issue I am going to drop.

I have revamped my news-gathering systems and I hope to bring you a varied selection of topics. A look at the labels on the right hand side will give you an idea of the ones I found most popular.

It will also have the added benefit of giving us wider exposure. Maybe the McCann issue will catch the eye of an organisation that can help us. This blog has had some very high-level individuals and organisations drop in and link to the blog, so maybe we can get that bit of extra assistance we need.

For those of you who are interested in such things (I love statistics - I just can't pronounce it without my teeth in), until now, my previous most popular article appeared in April last year. I thought it was a straightforward article that would attract little attention. Boy was I wrong. The number of visitors shot up, and the blog was visited by almost every US state government. Diplomatic Relations: US Ambassador and the Azerbaijan prostitute scandal

Tonight I have added a few more labels. My apology to Canadian readers - I could have sworn blind I had a label for Canada! There are 52 articles for you to read! I also added Brazil (51 articles) Greece (12) Italy (29) Electricity (71) Spain (25).

Late addition! You may also want to take a look at "Country Focus"a weekly feature where I took a look at 25 countries in alphabetical order. Why 25? You try finding a country starting with "X"! and no, Xanadu does not count. If you want a bit of humour, then there is "Work is fun"

Till tomorrow...
Wherever you may be - be safe!