Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Grubs: McCann foot and mouth disease hits Spain

From El Mondo

"Now they are focussing on Spain because they think their daughter could be in our country and they contacted “El Mundo”, in the framework of their strategy to request assistance through media."

Yet three times they refused to acknowledge offers of high level media assistance in a country which the United Nations has highlighted as a major child trafficking route.

Male McCann: "We have always received a lot of support from the Spaniards. Madeleine’s disappearance has been treated as if it were that of a Spanish girl."

Except that is unlikely a three year old Spanish girl would have been left in charge of two-year old twins. The Spanish look after their children, preferring to adopt the universally acknowledged standard of responsible parenting, rather than the standards cited by your still unnamed source.

Male McCann: "The possibility that Madeleine is alive and in Spain is real. It is something we did not consider in the beginning but that we now we consider seriously"

You did not consider in the beginning? Yet right from the start your friends in the UK media attacked the police for not closing the borders earlier.

Another thing - make your bloody mind up. Seconds before you made that statement, you said, "We have always been interested in Spain due to its proximity to Portugal" Jesus Gerry, with your short attention span I would hate to be having heart surgery while you assisted in operating the equipment.

Male McCann: "We know that the police must investigate all the possibilities. But let us be very clear: we do not have the slightest doubt, we trust our friends completely."

I am glad you trust them - may I ask in relation to what exactly?

Male McCann: "We will make sure that Madeleine does not become a statistic"

You made sure Madeleine became a statistic by leaving her unsupervised every night of your holiday.

In fact, the whole damn campaign has become a campaign of statistics. Fifty days - one hundred days - one hundred and eight days - a donation counter - a hundred pipers - so many millions of visitors to your website in 48 hours - 20,000 letters of support.

In fact, the only statistics you do not quote are those relating to who has received payment/benefits from the fund and why.