Friday, August 10, 2007

Kate McCann: Passage to Portugal

The Telegraph relates how a part-time doctor and part-time mother, believes the days of the British Raj are alive and well and living in Portugal.

"The parents of Madeleine McCann last night sent out a defiant message that they will not be hounded out of Portugal by an "aggressive and disrespectful" smear campaign against them."

Perhaps not as defiant as it is intended to sound if the couple are legally obliged to stay in Portugal.

McCanns, you reaped what you sowed, unlike the poor bloody people of Praia da Luz whose lives and livelihoods you have disrupted by your inability or unwillingness to go home where you belong. You are guests in their country - unwanted guests.

The people of Praia da Luz did not betray your daughter - you did. If you are suffering (and I couldn't care a toss how much you bloody suffer) the locals are suffering as well. It is their country, their area, their livelihoods. The whole world does not revolve around the Grubs, and their two-bob-pub-thug family of loud mouthed, money-grabbing opportunists.

"The couple have suffered an ordeal by innuendo in the Portuguese press after a series of alleged police leaks claiming that Madeleine was killed in her apartment."

So have the people of Praia da Luz, with the area being portrayed as a paedophiles paradise. As with the allegations against Murat, such allegations are unsubstantiated - unlike the allegations that you left your children alone every night of your holiday.

Your actions have brought unwanted and biased scrutiny upon those who neither sought nor deserve the abuse and slurs being cast against them. They have suffered because of two incompetent, irresponsible, the-world-owes-us-a-living parents.

"The allegations have led to Kate and Gerry McCann coming under the most intense scrutiny since their daughter disappeared 99 days ago. Yesterday some locals called for "those bloody McCanns" to leave Portugal and they were asked to remove their twins from a crĂȘche after it was repeatedly surrounded by Portuguese journalists."

They should have come under intense scrutiny 99 days ago. The creche is looking after the interests of their charges - which is a bloody sight more than the McCanns have ever done. At least the creche operators have forced the McCanns in to actually looking after their children - until they start dumping them on relatives.

"In a frank interview last night, the couple hit back. Mrs McCann said: "It's sticks and stones. We will never go through anything worse than being parted from Madeleine. We will not be leaving or be forced out. I am not prepared to be bullied into doing something that I don't want to."

Oh why don't you hold your breath and stamp your feet as well Kate. What a selfish, arrogant little bugger you are.

Actually, you don't have the final say in the matter - the Portuguese authorities decide who stays and who goes. New immigration laws have just been introduced relating to stopover visas; transit visits; short stay visas; residence visas; study visas; work visas and temporary stay visas.

You have been in Portugal over three months. What visa or permit do you hold? Perhaps you don't need one if required to stay until investigations are complete.

"I am not prepared to be bullied into doing something that I don't want to."

Such as arranging child supervision?

"This speculation and the actions of the Portuguese press has been hurtful, intrusive and disrespectful to our other two children. The press here have badly overstepped any reasonable line."

You have been hurtful and disrespectful to all your children. Your disrespect for three little mites is on view for all to see.

That's why we are here. And why we will continue to be here until you and Gerry are forced to face the consequences of your unforgivable actions.

To use your own words Kate, I will not be leaving or be forced out. I am not prepared to be bullied into doing something that I don't want to.