"Does everyone think that leaving the children unattended was a crime? I don't. There seems a world of difference between active neglect and relaxed parenting."
The above is a response posted to allmediaSCOTLAND.com
So this is what the world has come to has it? A half-arsed yuppie phrase that no doubt sounds oh so chic over an over-priced cappuccino, used to defend the indefensible.
"Relaxed parenting?" The parents abandoned their child to get as relaxed as newts and as a result, we are now talking about blood on the walls, digging for bodies and looking towards the sea for answers.
I had enough of a problem with McCann quoting, "Responsible Parenting" let alone "Relaxed Parenting".
How about "Relaxed Childhood" Free from worry, harm, fear and danger.
A concept that tragically appears to have been denied Madeleine - rubbed out thanks to "Relaxed Parenting." A trendy ideology so keenly embraced by those who put their own selfish, hedonistic needs, above those of the children they want us to believe, they wanted so desperately.
It's a pity they wanted a drink even more.