Thursday, August 23, 2007

The McCanns: Question for administrators of the fund

The Guardian reports "MEPs overwhelmingly support creating an EU-wide sex offenders register, according to a new survey.Politicians across Europe want crimes involving children to be treated the same way in all member states, the research found. The survey was commissioned by the campaign to find Madeleine McCann..."

Question for administrators of the fund.

* Were any costs incurred in the commissionioning of this survey?
* If so give details of costs and the parties who received payment?
* Who conducted the survey?
* How does such a survey benefit the main aim of the fund - finding Madeleine and bringing those responsible for her plight to justice?
* Why is the Fund concerning themselves with such issues when the main aim of the fund has not yet been achieved?
* Will you be commissioning a survey to find out how many MEPs support the concept of making it legal to leave a three-year old in charge of two-year old twins?

We all know you read this blog and that shortly afterwards you address issues we have raised. We also know that you make a complete cock-up of it.

If you lack the business skills to be able to adequately address these issues, there are a number of Year 12 Business Studies school-kids here who would be willing to do it for you free of charge. They are trained to higher standards of skill and integrity than you are accustomed to.