Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The McCanns: Singing the good guys song

"I had a predominately quiet but productive day. I spent most of it at the computer or on the phone. We keep in regular touch with both the Portuguese and British police but there has been no major news in the last couple of days.."

Considering you had a quiet day, would it not have been possible for you to roll up your long sleeved shirt, put a spade in your hand, (I believe in calling a spade a spade Gerry, unlike your protectors in the British media) and helped with a search? It's amazing how many stones you can turn over when you get of your selfish arse and put in some hard yakka - you can't always rely on questionable associates to help you achieve your lifes goals Gerry.

"We did not do any exercise today but plan to run tomorrow morning- especially as I am off to bed for an early night!"

Getting in some practice for early bedtimes are you?

The other day was a quiet day for you too Gerry. I am glad you can have quiet days when there are so many people working all hours of the day and night to find the little girl you and your friends betrayed.

"Donations to Madeleines fund have topped £1million pounds."

If it is true that a measly and unproductive £67,000 has spent on the campaign, then why do you continue to use deceit to solicit further donations? It doesn't take a brain surgeon or even a hospital assistant, to realise that based on previous alleged expenditure, there are sufficient funds to continue for some time.

It has been alleged in the McCann-friendly media, that you have been using your life savings to cover living expenses. In other words you were unwilling to spend your life savings looking for your daughter, preferring instead to sit against a wall with a cardboard begging sign, asking others less well off than you to fund the consequences of your lifestyle choice - pleasure before parental responsibility.

You and your extended family could have funded the search out of your own pockets based on alleged expenses so far incurred. Those expenses could have been reduced even further by eliminating unnecessary and unproductive expenditure such as your disastrous trip to the US, (an ill conceived strategy that only succeeded in making you look exactly what you are) and returning to England and moving to a smaller house - with an even smaller garden!

Oh but you wanted to stay in Portugal for Madeleine's sake didn't you. I will take a look at that lie later.

Just how many lies are Team McCann prepared to tell? We already had Uncle Brian making earlier statements that contradict latest reports, and that out-of-the-box, PR bimbo Justine McGuiness, stating in an email that she is not paid by the fund - which we now know to be yet another lie.

Would you like me to continue with the list - or do you keep your own database of past, present and future lies?

How about the lie about not being bullied out of Portugal until you know what has happened to Madeleine?

As soon as the heat is put on you and your fellow pack-rat holiday makers, you run back home to Mother England and the protection of fearful, in-your-debt sycophants and the British media.

How many lies have been told and how far back do they go?

It's bad enough that you told that lie to the public - but you also lied to Madeleine. Yet again you have deserted your little girl. For Heaven's sake - just what kind of parents are you?

You betrayed Madeleine
You neglected the poor little mite
You made her promises you had no intention of keeping
You played songs you never came close to living up to

And now you lie to her again and once more abandon Maddy for your own selfish reasons.

I'm tired of seeing the picture
You're painting of yourself
You with the borrowed colours
That you picked from someone else
Maybe you're a movie
Or some best selling book
I know your mirrored mornings
In rehearsal of your looks
Oh your cause is oh so beautiful
You're ready to begin
You're going to play the good guys
By singing the good guys hymn
Ah you're building the halls
with the outer walls
But you haven't got a thing within

Melanie Safka