Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The McCanns: So where is it?

Extract from the "Madeleine’s Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited" FAQ.

"It is true that family members, including those on the Board, can benefit from the Fund. However, the Fund has a conflict of interest policy to manage this situation."

So where is it?

There is no point telling me that you have a policy if it is not publicly or easily available. Why is it that everything Team McCann does is always vague? Heck, the Grubs can't even remember when they checked on their children.

The appearance of a conflict of interest may be as serious and potentially damaging as an actual conflict - undermining the public’s confidence in the Board. That is why nearly every company or organisation I know of that has a conflict of interest policy, ensures such a policy is publicly available.

Why is there no link to the policy on the website? It would have been easier to set up than the one you had for the online store - except of course not as potentially profitable.

There are very serious public concerns about the McCann Family Income Protection Scheme, set up with unseemly haste to provide support for two parents who had their own conflict of interest policy.

What shall it be darling? The Tapas bar or our kids safety, there seems to be a conflict of interest. Huh - what conflict? Last one to the bar's a sissy.