Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The McCanns: Something odd about Gerry

There is something odd about you Gerry - actually there are a lot of thing odd about you - even your own friends know that don't they? - but let's stick to one specific oddity.

To put it bluntly, your only claim to fame is being the father responsible for losing a little girl. No offence, but before that you were a two-bit nobody. A mid-level worker in a hospital you didn't want to be in and couldn't get out of.

If it wasn't for Madeleine's plight, no one would ever have heard of you and the ice-machine-with-knickers you married. In the morning you would no doubt kiss someone's wife goodbye, plod along in a health service that is one step up from Rwanda, then come home and holler, "Honey I'm home..who have we dumped the kids with today?'s happy hour down the Dog and Duck, so get your uniform on and let's get going - the gang's all there."

In fact, you could have been the inspiration for Ray Davis penning "Plastic Man" -

"He's got a plastic wife who wears a plastic mac,
(yeah, he's plastic man)
He's got a phoney smile that makes you think he understands,
But no one ever gets the truth from plastic man (plastic man)"

Yet here you are receiving advice from the Prime Minister of Great Britain - "A source close to the family claimed they had spoken to Gordon Brown on a number of occasions and had been advised that it was time to take a step back." It has also been reported that Brown wants to distance himself from this issue, as he is afraid it has the potential to damage his image

Since when have British Prime Ministers taken so much time to help the parents of a missing child?

If "sources close to the family" are to be believed, Brown has spent more time talking to the McCanns and their family, than he has speaking to the parents of those killed on active service in Iraq or Afghanistan - people who paid the price for doing their duty, instead of escaping the price for neglecting it.

If this would have happened in Australia, the connection between the McCann family/Tapas Nine and The Brown Family, would have been subjected to the sort of professional investigative journalism that British media find so hard to even consider.

So what is the connection Gerry? Why does Mr Nobody have a direct line of communication to the highest person in Britain? What favours were called in, why and how far back do they go - and who is involved?

Can I ask another question Gerry? You immediately acted on instructions from Downing Street. The Express quoted the family source as saying, "They are happy to take advice from those with more experience in these matters".

In that case, why weren't you happy to take the advice of the NSPCC who state that young children should never be left unattended - even for a few minutes.

Seems to me Gerry, you only take heed of advice that suits your agenda and ignore it if it affects your social life.

Try not to get in to another rage while reading this - we wouldn't want you throwing a glass at the monitor would we now Jimmy?