Friday, August 31, 2007

The McCanns: Survey? What survey?

Just over a week ago, as part of their campaign to elevate the McCanns to the position of Patron Saints of Neglected, Missing and Exploited Children, the British media were celebrating another alleged Team McCann triumph.

"MEPs overwhelmingly support creating an EU-wide sex offenders register, according to a new survey. Politicians across Europe want crimes involving children to be treated the same way in all member states, the research found. The survey was commissioned by the campaign to find Madeleine McCann..."

Note the use of emotive phrases designed to plant a certain perception in the minds of the public. "Overwhelmingly support" and "politicians across Europe"

According to my information, both statements are misleading. I think it is safe to assume that if the survey was conducted on the large scale suggested by the media, that the Leader of the European Parliamentary Labour Party, would have heard about it.


An email from Gary Titley MEP, Leader of the European Parliamentary Labour Party, suggests he is as curious as we are.

"I am sorry to say that I am unable to assist you with the information you require. The first I heard of the survey was when I saw last week’s press coverage. I must tell you that no-one surveyed me and I have no idea how many of my MEP colleagues were actually contacted. I only wish I could have brought you a more positive reply."