Thursday, August 09, 2007

The McCanns: There's something about Kate and Gerry

What is it about the McCanns, that makes it so difficult for others to miss the "bleeding obvious" and dismiss the deliberate and irresponsible actions of two selfish little bastards who were more than capable of making an informed decision, with disposable, vacuous lines such as, "relaxed parenting" and now "All parents make mistakes"


It was not a bloody mistake - it was a conscious decision - made on a nightly basis. I bet the same people who make these remarks, were quick to criticise Michael Jackson and Britney Spears - and quite rightly. If some little ankle-biter bumps in to them in a supermarket while mum is chatting with a friend, I bet the phrase, "relaxed parenting" doesn't even come close to entering their mind. I would bet London to a brick, they would more than likely think, "If that were my child by heck..."

And there we have it. "If it were my child..."

Madeleine was their child. Amongst the other tawdry goods and messages they try to sell us, is the tale of how they desperately longed for a child. So desperately in fact, that they went against their faith of convenience to achieve their goal.

What a load of bollocks. I do not buy that for one minute. You do not treat something you wanted so desperately with utter disregard for their welfare. You do not spend their entire childhood dropping them of at creches and dumping them on relatives.

You damn well look after them and spend time with those you brought in to the world, because childhood goes so quickly - a concept lost on the McCanns, their supporters and the UK media.

The woman with the unnatural Cuddle Cat fetish is a doctor. The other one without balls is/was a cardiologist. If they make an incorrect decision on a patient - a decision that goes against all medical training and experience, and that patient dies, would the insipid little McCann sympathisers get out the tea and sympathy and say, "All doctors make mistakes".

What if the patient was a loved one? Oh I can just imagine a doctor telling a relative, "Sorry, I made a mistake, but it happens". I doubt very much they would pat him on the shoulder and say, "Now don't you go worrying about it love, everyone makes mistakes, and I am sure you feel terrible about it. You know best - you're a doctor and all that."

Like hell they would.

These same people would be shouting it from the rooftops and be as callous and cold-hearted as they claim we are against this grubby little pair of hedonists, who treat their children as though they are some sort of inconvenient but necessary middle class accessory.

Thank God I live in the real world. I would hate to live in Cloud Cuckoo Land with these naive, uninformed, believe-all-they are told, band of unquestioning, self-righteous apologists, who believe it is right to leave three tiny children alone every God damn night of their holiday.

They may not like me - but I like me. I like the people who come to this blog because they feel the same way as I do. I can look at myself in the mirror and see no signs of guilt.

All I see is the fact that I need a haircut!