Thursday, August 02, 2007

The McCanns: When is a milestone not a milestone?

"Day 90 - 01/08/2007 Another trip to the airport this morning to pick up our campaign manager. Kate did a series of interviews for womens magazines and the Sunday newspapers which took most of the afternoon. Kates parents, who we visit regularly at home, also arrived and the twins were very happy to see them. They will be staying with us for a week.

We have had some new posters designed of Madeleine, in Portuguese and Spanish, which I have been printing out to distribute locally. I also did some filming to camera which we might use on the website and for future events."

If you returned to Britain, you would no need to pick up anyone from the airport. As I have previously pointed out, your new career as CEO of "Madeleine McCann Enterprises, Bespoke Exploiters of Missing Children" could be operated even more successfully from the UK, where the twins belong.

By the way Gerry, why do you always refer to the twins as though they are one entity? They are separate children, quite likely possessing individual traits, feelings and personalities. Yet, you constantly refer to them as though they are some sort of job lot.

Have any of your advisors carried out a time management study to find out how much time you waste going back and forth to the airport like a cab driver? Surely to goodness even Justine would have heard of hire cars by now, and Gawd bless her little cotton ones, she is not the brightest crayon in the box.

Perhaps you like being the martyr, enabling you to use emotive words and phrases such as "another trip". Gerry, do you fully understand what your intended audience of "one born every minute" readers see when they read of your continuos trips to the airport to pick up and drop off people who aren't really needed?

All that aside, would you like to know what I find so distasteful about your entry?

It was the 90 day mark of Madeleines disappearance, yet you made no mention of it all apart from references to yet another bloody new poster and future campaigns.

In many circles, "ninety-days" is a milestone - yet even with your passion for milestones, you made no reference of how you and Kate feel. No mention of Madeleine. Not even a hint of a message for the daughter you and the woman you married deliberately abandoned.

Maybe you couldn't. Maybe the magazines have exclusive rights to the story.

Will you or Justine be clarifying the question of payment for such articles? After all, if the money is going in to the fund, I think the public is entitled to transparency.

Actually, I honestly think you should be paid for interviews. You can then stipulate that all payment be donated to ICMEC and NMEC, the child protection organisations you so conveniently embraced but have since totally ignored. It's not as though you haven't had time. On day 89 for example you wrote, "Relatively quiet day".

I bet it wasn't a relatively quiet day for the children being sexually exploited - the ones you told any Armani suited executive or politician within Cooee distance, you would work to help protect.

I wonder how much publicity and support you could have given such children, by utilising the time spent travelling to and from the airport, to send messages of support to their parents - or even rehab or care facilities for the victims of such crimes.

Don't forget to fasten your seat belt Gerry

Methinks you are in for a bumpy ride.