Monday, August 13, 2007

Mike's Tapas Bar for those who look after their children

Last night a couple of jokers still in their online fighting training knickers, tried to disrupt Mike's Tapas Bar.

Just to show how clumsy these people are, one even tried to explain that his IP address was showing incorrectly. Hell's bells, it wasn't even in the same ruddy country as the person they were impersonating!

I have reported these incidents to the Shout Box host as harassment. They in turn will take the matter up further. In the past, they have acted pretty quickly. The offenders have of course been banned.

Here are the details of the main offender. I have the details of the other, but as I am taking further action on that issue, I won't be publishing it just yet.

IP address:
IP country: UK Just west of Harrogate
IP address state:
IP address city:
IP latitude:54.000000
IP longitude:-2.000000
ISP:Cable & Wireless Telecommunication Services GmbH
Organization:Cable & Wireless Telecommunication Services GmbH

I have also altered access to the Shout Box.

* Members added by admin only - which is me!
* Only members can view
* Only members can post

However, this does create a problem. I keep very few email addresses on file in order to protect the privacy of those who email me. During the course of the day I will contact those members whose emails I do have on file, and send a password.

To be honest, I have been thinking about this for a while, but not because of the keyboard monkeys on the other side of this debate who are merely a minor irritation.

This is primarily a business blog - yeah I know, doesn't look like it at the moment does it! This issue has affected a lot of people, and I wanted to create an atmosphere where people feel free to talk about the McCann saga, and let their hair down to relieve the stress they are feeling. Perhaps in hindsight, having such a visible forum on a business blog - may not have been very business-like!

I wont be able to get around to sending out passwords for a while, but in the meantime, feel free to contact me with your application! Membership is of course free.

I also have another problem!!! As I am a member, I can see the Shoutbox. I have no idea what the blog looks like to non-members! Could someone let me know?

I have to go out again, but will be back later!