Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Mystery of Cuddle Cat Dundee solved!

The mystery of Cuddle Cat Dundee (pictured yesterday) has been solved.

A source close to the case, (the nosey old lady across the road) has informed me that Cuddle Cat Dundee, cousin of world famous Cuddle Cat, was left unattended by a little boy.

"It's not my fault" he told his mum before going on to explain, "Thousands of other kids do the same thing". When mum asked, "And if thousands of other kids jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?" the little boy looked at mum's face and decided, "when in a hole - don't dig," which just goes to show that ankle-biters know a lot more than British spin doctors.

Mum found him guilty of neglecting his toys and gave him a stern lecture on responsible toy ownership. He was made to listen to "Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon" for fifteen minutes before social services intervened.

No doubt the lesson he learned will stay with him and he will take more care looking after those entrusted to his care.

It is after all, a concept even a child can understand.