Friday, August 31, 2007

Till later

Although I will be hanging around the comments box and Mike's Tapas Bar, today will be a quiet day for me. Over the last four days two new off-line dramas have unfolded which in many ways are worse than the other bloody dramas, as these are on a personal level.

I have one "off-topic" post ready to publish, but I need to tidy it up a bit. It did appear briefly last night but then I noticed that although I am fairly confident it is a spoof, names and addresses were mentioned. It was 2:30am and I was not in the frame of mind for deleting!

I have also received information that may prompt me to make an "on-topic" post - however, I am awaiting the source's permission before going to "air" so to speak.

I know I keep harping on:) about the number of responses we have received regarding the McCanns, but I feel it is an important gauge not only of our effectiveness - but also demonstrates how well we work together as a team.

We are rapidly approaching 10,000 responses, a figure we should reach this weekend. I have been involved in online forums for years, and I can think of no other forum where so many people have gathered from varying backgrounds and environments to discuss a highly emotive issue, with so few problems, bickering, disputes or forming of "alliances".

This blog has always been un-moderated and I intend it to stay that way. Out of almost 10,000 comments, I have had to delete just a handful - and many of those were at the authors request due to little thing such as spelling mistakes (which I don't give a toss about to be honest - it is the input that is important not trivial issues that put obstacles on the road to getting results).

What people see when they visit this blog is a true picture of the forum - virtually unedited, unplugged, undiluted, uncensored - and above all - undefeated, unbowed and unbloodied

That's an awful lot of 'uns"!

Till later:)