Friday, August 03, 2007

Today and possibly tomorrow!

I know how this is going to look - but guess what? As we say here, I feel really "crook"! No, Gerry and his "probable viral illness" hasn't been giving me ideas! All those bloody doctors around, and the best he can come up with is "probable" makes you wonder doesn't it.

As well as feeling a bit out of sorts, I seem to be losing my voice. I start off sounding like Richard Burton and halfway through the sentence, end up sounding like Tiny Tim sitting on an ice block. And just as Gerry felt exhausted after his trip to the US, I came back from my trip to the fag shop feeling totally stuffed!

I will be keeping an eye on things but at this moment, any chance of my posting anything that is even remotely coherent, seems as remote as Gerry becoming Pope.

Hang on - let me rethink that one!