Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Urgent appeal for help!:)

Does anyone know if Mark Warner has a resort in Sydney that offers a creche where you can drop elderly mothers off at 7am and collect them again three years later?

If I hear, "Another thing I was thinking about Mike..." one more time (especially as the "thing" is the same "thing" I have heard 17 times in the last two days) or stop her from catching a cab to the airport brandishing a wooden spoon, I think I will go stark, raving Gerry.

How can I work on merchandise such as, "The McCann Jigsaw puzzle: 500 pieces but none of them fit" or the "Do-It-Yourself Murat Cuddly Toy: comes almost fully assembled, all you have to do is stitch him up" with all these interruptions!

One more interruption and I'll hide her Vera Lynn Unplugged CD.