This year would have been their 60th wedding anniversary, and my father was her first and only boyfriend:) (married at 16).
Some of you will also know the story behind my father's death, and the song that was played at his funeral - and why. You will also know of his battle with a crooked British Establishment, because he refused to play their game and condone activities he knew to be illegal and unethical.
Armed with false rumours, forged documents and lies, they hounded him even after he came to Australia to establish his own business. The most hurtful lie - especially for my mum - was when they told potential Australian partners, that my mother only managed to feed her children with money she had earned working as a prostitute.
This year, the anniversary of his passing will be even more poignant. I said right from the start of this current battle that I knew what I would be up against - I know the way the bastards play.
My father was the mildest, softest man I have met - even with those who crossed him.
Sons don't always take after their father in such situations.
Photo: Fort Dennison or "Pinchgut". Once a 15 meter (49 ft) high sandstone rock, the island was flattened to provide sandstone for nearby Circular Quay. Fortification of the island began in 1841, resumed in 1855 and was complete in 1857 as a defence against a feared Russian invasion during the Crimean War. At this point the island gained its current name after Sir William Thomas Denison, Governor of New South Wales from 1855 to 1861.
Walls in the tower are between 3.3 meters and 6.7 meters thick at the base and 2.7 meters thick at the top. The gunroom on the tower still contains three 8-inch muzzle loading cannons which were positioned before construction was complete. The width of passages within the tower are too narrow to permit these to be removed. The three cannons were deemed obsolete due to two reasons:
1.The windows made for the cannons were too small to use the guns effectively. By the time the cannon was loaded the ship would have sailed past.
2.The Recoil effect was too powerful for the small room.
In May 1942 a Japanese submarine attack on Sydney Harbour took place. One of the vessels was fired upon by the American cruiser USS Chicago and some 5-inch shells hit Fort Denison causing minor tower damage which can still be seen today.
Currently it is a museum, tourist attraction and Sydney's only island cafe
Wherever you may be - be safe!