Monday, September 03, 2007

The McCanns: Aims and outcomes

To find Madeleine McCann, who was three years old at the time she was deliberately and repeatedly abandoned by her parents who are paid to look after the health, welfare and wellbeing of strangers.

Release of tens of thousands balloons
Meeting with the Pope
Visiting Washington, Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Morocco
Meeting with executives of child welfare agencies
Kate calls for European sex offenders register
Calls to introduce "Maddy's Law"
Attending media conferences
Massive fund raising campaign that has so far raised over £1,005,000
Chain email campaign
Interviews with press, magazines, radio and television
Adverts in cinemas
Hundreds of fund raising events across the globe
Appointment of high profile campaign advisor
Appointment of QCs
Appointment of high level government media advisors
Communication with Gordon Brown
Advise from Downing Street
Media campaign aimed at portraying the McCanns as loving, responsible parents
Aggressive Internet campaign aimed at deterring criticism of the parents
Commissioning of survey of MEPs
Sale of wristbands
Free travel and accommodation
Support of JK Rowling, David Beckham, the English rugby team, Sir Phil Green, Sir Richard Branson and other celebrities.
Family and friends travelling back and forth to support the parents.
Alienating local police and media
Shifting blame to others
Point finger of suspicion at others

Kate has a nicer sun tan than she did on May 3 and Cuddle Cat is a lot cleaner.