Tuesday, September 11, 2007

R.I.P integrity in the UK media

R.I.P. any last vestiges of integrity in the UK media, the final nails in the coffin being hammered in by Dominic Lawson

Kate McCann, in fact, has become a victim twice over – first, as the mother of a snatched and possibly murdered child, and now as a target for a peculiar form of emotional tyranny which demands that the sufferer must share her terrible grief with us in the most intimate manner. Her fellow Liverpudlian, the mother of the murdered 11- year-old, Rhys Jones, fed this media-led monster with the requisite heart-rending sobs at a series of press-conferences. Yet Mrs McCann, through a mixture of natural dignity and a self-preserving detachment which she might also have learned as a GP, has denied the mob its vicarious pleasure.

Even whores have more integrity than British media harlots such as Lawson.

Just what lengths are the media and establishment prepared to go to protect the reputations of The Tapas Nine, and the reputations of their seedy, sordid, professional classes cohorts, who started running scared the moment Maddy disappeared?

Rule Britannia?

Lies, corruption, deceit and cover ups rule Britannia - to protect the chosen few.

Update: At least one reader has now received an apology from Dominic Lawson - I think others will too.

"Thank you for writing. You are right that my reference to Rhys Jones' mother was crass - I should have added that she had every right to act as she did, just as the McCanns are entitled to express their feelings in a very different way."

I am glad that Lawson addressed this issue and I am happy to point it out to readers.