The Sydney Morning Herald has a delightful article on the beautiful city of Lisbon. Sun Herald journalist Steve McKenna, describes in whimsical, yet appreciative style, his recent stay in the five-star Lapa Palace hotel, frequented by celebrities such as George Bush, Sir Paul McCartney, Bono, Sting, Cher and Tina Turner.
Quote: My fellow (immaculately dressed) guests seem a friendly bunch, but I'm in no doubt that, lurking among them, is at least one megalomaniac with a cunning plan for world domination and a fleet of henchmen in reserve.
Poor bugger, he must have been there the same time as Gerry McCann.
Quote: I'm welcomed by an affable young receptionist, who insists on calling me Meester McKenna and possesses the ideal qualities of a 007 character: smooth, foreign and full of polite conversation in fluent English.
As you can tell, the journalist doesn't work for The Sun or Nick Carter's Leicester Mercury.
I think this is my favourite bit -
I meet Mirela, my companion for the evening, at the Alcantara region, a revamped dockside enclave lined with bars and offering lovely views of the Ponte 25 de Abril.
"Do you like caipirinha?" she asks.
"I don't know. Is it like martini?"
"Don't worry. I'll try one."
The article goes on to describe Portugal's proud history and achievements - and ends with the journalist heading off to the Algarve.
Full article: In The Lapa Luxury