At last I have found the answer to a question I have been asking ever since Mary Appleby kissed me when we were standing in line at the end of playtime. I was eight years old and reacted by telling her "Ger orf".
What does a woman want?
I have found the answer in Pravda, and part of the answer is revealed below. The full article can be read here.
The answer is that a woman wants to be the master of her fate. From the point of view of psychoanalysis a female is not only a real creature but rather a mythological one. Myths and reality get so closely interlaced that one can hardly see the distinction between them in a person’s psychical world. Mythological aspects in human psyche and understanding of shadowy sides of the soul are the way to learn the depth of human nature.
To win a woman’s heart a man should perceive her dual nature completely. Anyone living close to a woman has to share the life with two women at once: an inward woman and an external one. The external woman lives in a real world and is seen to all. This woman is pragmatic, and her upbringing agrees with the norms of the society. The inward woman emerges suddenly and disappears in an instant thus leaving an impression that people who saw her witnessed something astonishing and wise. When it comes to emotions, one side reveals much ardour and languor while the other still stays as cold as ice. It often happens so that one side is even happier while the other has no idea what she actually wants. The two-in-one women are separate but still interrelated elements that generate thousands of various combinations in the soul. If a woman makes a big secret of one of her sides or on the contrary treats the other too kindly her life then grows too one-sided, and she has no opportunity to make good use of her potential. It is important to develop both sides.
Women often feel attraction to partners having persistence and intellect, and wishing to understand their inmost nature. If a woman gets such a partner she will devote the entire of her love and faithfulness to him.
A man should understand his own instinctive nature, the creature inhabiting the dark and remote ends of the soul. If a man wants to solve a woman’s dual nature he needs to develop this talent for cognition.
Hunters seeking to learn the dual nature of soul may one day feel less resolution and turn off the road. This may be the temptation of their own unconscious nature wishing to subordinate a woman for own pleasure just to use her or to satisfy their hunter hunger.
And all this time I have been working on the concept of repeating "your hair looks nice" and remembering to put the toilet seat down!