Friday, December 28, 2007

The McCanns: New Year Message to the McCanns

Over the Christmas period we once more had to endure your continuous whining and whinging.

You forget that if it were not for you and the Tapas Seven, none of this would have happened. No kidnapper or paedophile. It was you who left your children alone in circumstances no decent parent would have even considered. Haven't you tried to fool the public long enough? You and your mates are responsible for Madeleine's fate. While everyone else is being methodically eliminated from the enquiry - guess whose names remain.

The lies you and Team McCann continue to spin are no longer taken seriously and Justice will soon come your way. You were delighted when fame came your way courtesy of your protectors, but that has been overshadowed by a notoriety that will stay with you the rest of your life.

For nearly eight long, frustrating, nauseating months, you and your Guardians have intruded upon the lives of ordinary, decent people. Children emotionally blackmailed and frightened in cinemas; hard-working farmers and their families insulted and their privacy invaded. Children at a school Madeleine never attended, reminded of her absence - the control of information taken out of the hands of responsible parents. Innocent tourists questioned and phone records of locals whose hospitality you abused, investigated by police. A priest who trusted you, left emotionally shattered, feeling deceived and betrayed.

This year has been the year of "It's all about us". Come 2008, it will be, "It's all about Justice".

May it come soon and with a heart as empty of compassion as yours have been since the night Madeleine trusted you with her life - and lost.