Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Sri Lanka: Campaign to show LTTE's "true colours"

The Government has directed the Sri Lankan missions abroad to strengthen the mechanism of making the international community aware of the true nature of the LTTE, the terrorist outfit banned in many parts of the world including the USA and member states of the European Union.
Enforcing the policy of countering the false propaganda of the LTTE and the government's position that the Tamil people were viewed differently from the ruthless LTTE is to be highlighted among the international community at upcoming events.

The Secretary to the Foreign Ministry, Dr. Palitha Kohana said that the terrorist outfit is banned in several countries in the West and condemned by most of the democracies all over the world: "We will continue with the policy of making the international community aware of the true nature of LTTE and its atrocities."

Speaking to a foreign news service Dr. Kohona added that the Government will continue with its search for a peaceful solution to the conflict, while it will counter terrorism with all means under its disposal.

The awareness campaign will mainly focus on educating the Diaspora of the LTTE's real image and the Government's stance of bringing sustainable peace to the nation whilst countering one of the most ruthless terrorist organizations in the world.

"Accordingly, Sri Lankan missions are specifically tasked to enhance their efforts to bring the government efforts to the attention of their respective host countries including the media," the asiantribune website said on Sunday (02).

Meanwhile the Government last week said that it requests expatriates to response with their views to the effectiveness of such awareness programmes done though the diplomatic missions. Accordingly an open dialogue with the expatriates will be initiated.

Some missions have launched 'Reaching Out,' programmes to embrace the patriotic minded Sri Lankan expatriates living abroad. In United States the 'Reaching Out' program launched by Ambassador Bernard Goonatilake has turned out to be very successful.

Sources further revealed that the 'Reaching Out' programme in the US has brought about a very satisfactory response and has helped in a big way to rally the patriotic Sri Lankan Diaspora, the website reported.

Source: Media Centre for National Security