Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tibet: Australia sends strong message to China

AAP reports Australia's Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has said the world has to be mindful of public opinion on the issue of Tibet.

Mr Rudd is wrapping up his 17-day overseas tour in China, where he attracted world attention for sending a strong message on the "significant" human rights problems in Tibet in a speech at Peking University.

Mr Rudd said that as well as his public remarks on the issue, he had spent a lot of time in private discussions during his visit.

"China has got a very tough line on Tibet," he told ABC Radio from China.

"My job is to argue strongly the case for negotiation and for the non-use of violence.

"But no one is pretending this is easy and I'm not, but I continue to argue the case."

Mr Rudd said foreign policy wasn't detached from the opinions of the population and people's feelings counted for something.