The two agreements, which amount to $40 million in credits from the International Development Association (IDA), were signed at the Nicaraguan Embassy. The first of the two agreements signed is for a $20 million zero-interest credit to support the government of Nicaragua to improve water and sanitation services in rural areas. The second agreement is for a $20 million zero-interest credit to enhance the competitiveness of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and the business climate that affects those firms.
“The financing provided by the World Bank to support micro, small and medium enterprises is essential to our economy and will help provide for a healthier business climate,” said Alberto Guevara, Nicaragua Minister of Finance at the signing ceremony.
“Improving basic water and sanitation services for people in rural areas is one of the key aims of Nicaragua’s National Development Plan. The program supported by this new financing will help, improve access to water services, and will target rural and indigenous communities. In particular, this program is expected to have a positive impact on women and children because they traditionally are tasked with fetching water from and washing clothes and children in far-located water sources,” Minister Guevara added.
Source: World Bank
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