On the front page of the Daily Mail and located on the left hand sidebar, the Daily Mail has the following headline -
A copper without shame: Maddie's top detective blames everyone but himself.
Surely that should read -
A father without shame: Maddie's dad blames everyone but himself
The article has a lovely photo of Kate, the retired part time doctor who one-and-a-half days per week, used to specialise in treating corpses for high blood pressure, looking as though she is auditioning for a part in Wuthering Heights.
Heathcliff, it's me your Katie....
I wonder if the Daily Mail has realised that Gordon Brown, the man who trots around the global stage as The Fool, wont be around forever.
Quote of the week: Questioned by an English journalist about the money the inspector will now earn from the tragedy of a child's disappearance, Gonçalo Amaral indicated having received a proposal from an English daily newspaper, for pre-publication of extracts from the book, in exchange, "for a significant sum of money," a proposition which he turned down because, "there are more important things than money - dignity, for example."
Dignity. That's something they don't teach in Fleet Steet, or apparently in the eminent universities once graced by the presence of two people destined to pay their mortgage using money donated by emotionally blackmailed schoolchildren and invalid pensioners.