Monday, August 18, 2008

Back next Monday!

It's been a busy time lately and a window of opportunity has arisen that enables all concerned to take a short break. This will give me time to (1) have a bit of "me" time (2) sort out those irritating bits and pieces that are not exactly core issues but need attention - the sort that just seem to hang around staring at you and refusing to go away.

The blog will return on Monday Aug 25 (Sydney Time). However, if anything major happens such as Britain's sacred cows, Kate and Gerry McCann, the King and Queen of Self Pity and Self Preservation, being shown to one and all for what they are - or even explaining alleged conversations Gerry McCann had with David Payne, I will be back!

Wherever you may be - be safe
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting