Saturday, September 06, 2008

EU: Polish president accuses Germany and France of dominating EU

Polish President Lech Kaczynski on Friday lambasted Germany and France for dominating the European Union, according to press reports.

Speaking at a meeting of Polish ambassadors in Warsaw Thursday evening, Kaczynski said the EU was governed by a "directorate" of two capitals, Berlin and Paris.

Poland's duty will be to change this situation ,he added.

Kaczynski labeled his country's stance in the EU as "not enviable."
Poland is a relatively poor country which is still seeking its proper place in the EU. Therefore, it is important to have good relations with the Baltic states and the Czech Republic, Kaczynski was quoted saying.

The Polish leader reiterated his concern over the state of relations with Germany.

I have not registered any German concessions towards Poland since taking office in December 2005, Kaczynski said.

Source: IRNA

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