Friday, October 03, 2008

Disability Issues: New technology helps improve the quality of life for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities

New technology is being used to help improve the quality of life for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. One girl in Mexico City appears to be having fun playing a game. But it's actually an exercise in communicating and expressing feelings. VOA's Robert Raffaele explains.

Daniela Roldan is a 12-year-old who like others enjoys playing with her parents and sister.

But Daniela has cerebral palsy, a disorder that appears in infancy or early childhood and permanetly affects body movement and speech.

Daniela is in a program at the Ven Conmigo Foundation in Mexico City.

Patricia Herrerra is the director.

"Our mission is to help people with disabilities become integrated into society, achieving more autonomy and improving their quality of life," Herrerra explained.

The therapists and engineers at Ven Conmigo create interactive devices to help the disabled.

One is called an X-Box hat. The hat plugs into circuits that react to body movements.

People with cerebral palsy can use the hat to activate video game controls through head movements.

The Foundation also gave Daniela a laptop so she can communicate with others.

Daniela's mother says her daughter has made great strides.

"Communication was a big problem with her. It was complicated for her until we came to this foundation," she said. "It has changed us a lot, especially Danny, because she managed to communicate with other people, thanks to the donations she received such as her laptop."

Daniela's family credits the foundation with bringing them closer together.

They say they can now engage in normal family activities without excluding Daniela or singling her out.

Published with the permission of Voice of America
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting