Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gaza: Israel talks peace and bang goes another U.N. school

As the Israeli cabinet prepares to vote on an end to Israel's attack on Gaza, at least four Palestinians were killed when Israeli tanks shelled a UN-run school in Beit Lahya in northern Gaza Strip on Saturday morning, local medical sources and witnesses said.

Gaza emergency chief Mo'aweya Hassanein said that the tank shelling killed at least four and wounded ten, adding that three people were killed in northern Gaza City in an air strike this morning.

Hassanein said the death toll since the beginning of the Israeli offensive on Gaza has risen to 1190, with an addition of 5200 wounded.

"This yet again illustrates the tragedy that there is no safe place in Gaza. Not even a UN installation is safe," Christopher Gunness, a spokesman for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, told AFP.

"There is no place to flee," he said.
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
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