The DPRK authorities have reportedly announced that they plan to launch a satellite sometime between 4 and 8 April.
“I’m concerned about DPRK’s recent moves to launch a satellite or long-range missiles,” Mr. Ban told a news conference in New York. “This will threaten the peace and stability in the region.”
He encouraged Pyongyang to comply with Security Council resolution 1718, which demanded that the country “not conduct any further nuclear test or launch of a ballistic missile,” following its claims to have conducted a nuclear test in October 2006.
“I hope they will abide by the relevant Security Council resolution and return to the Six-Party Talks,” he said, referring to the discussions involving DPRK, Republic of Korea, Japan, China, Russia and the United States.
Mr. Ban also said he hoped for improved bilateral relations between DPRK and the Republic of Korea.