Deadlines and obligations towards the IMF forced indecisive Serbian Government to decide finally what measures of saving it is going to apply, Blic reports . It is to be decided in the course of the day about the salary cut in the state and local administration as well as about the severance pay to the labor surplus.
The Government’s package includes cut of ministries’ budget by 26 percent, job cuts in state and local administration, cut of financial transfers to local autonomies and more expensive petrol, dies fuel and telephone services.
As regards salary cuts the final decision on the formula to be applied is to be made by the Ministry of finance. This measure is to provide saving of about 10 percent in the budget.
General estimations are that only cuts on salaries in the state and local autonomy should provide about one billion Dinars in the budget.
President of the trade union called ‘Independent’ Slavko Vlaisavljevic says that credits are not for the working class but for businessmen what indicates that economic policy is poor. ‘With Government’s measures or without them, workers’ protests are inevitable’, Vlaisavljevic says.