“Irrespective of circumstances or the legal framework, the marriage of a child is a violation of that child’s rights,” UNICEF Executive Director Anne M. Veneman stressed in a statement.
“UNICEF joins many in voicing concern that child marriage contravenes accepted international standards of human rights,” she added.
She noted that the right to free and full consent to marriage is recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but that “consent cannot be free and full when either party to a marriage is too young to make an informed decision.”
Ms. Veneman warned that marriage at too young an age could have long-term harmful effects on a child’s emotional, physical and psychological welfare.
Talk, talk, talk - that is all the UN ever does in such situations. There is a UN Convention on the rights of children - what is the point of boasting about such a document when in reality, there isn't a damn thing the UN can or is prepared to do against those countries that blantantly ignore it.
Children suffer while UN officials chink glasses on the never ending cocktail circuit.