Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Entrepreneurship: Find Richard Branson in 96 hours

Boston's two funniest business owners have a business proposition for Virgin CEO Sir Richard Branson that promises to make the company an even greater success story.

Boston natives Chet Harding and Norm Laviolette of Improv Asylum flew to London to land a meeting with Branson and pitch their business plan. Norm and Chet are just like any average American, just bolder, funnier and willing to do anything to get in front of the billionaire business guru.

Branson doesn't know they're coming and Boston's funny boys have no real contacts to line-up the meeting. Norm and Chet will roam London for 96 hours as just two average American guys armed with two simple questions: "Do you know Richard Branson or anyone who does? Will you introduce us to him?"

The trip is part "Six Degrees of Separation" and part social networking. Norm and Chet believe that guy at the pub, that woman on the train or that weird dude on the corner could be the person who connects them to Branson.

Through daily video downloads, tweets, status updates and all the latest in social networking technology, Norm and Chet are looking to see if old-fashion face-to-face interactions combined with today's lightning fast connectedness can get them a meeting with Branson and pitch their dynamic business proposition.

Succeed or fail Boston's hometown boys are demonstrating that if you really want something, then go out and try to get it. The people they meet along the way and the journey itself may just be the biggest reward.

Improv Asylum opened May 1998. Their performances feature a unique blend of improvisation and sketch comedy that focus on developing comedic scenes on the spot based on audience suggestions.

Source: Improv Asylum
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
Putting principles before profits