Tuesday, June 30, 2009

EU: Post-election stats

European Parliament News - In the post-election phase we have been doing some number crunching and come up with some statistics and facts on the new Members of the European Parliament. With just under half being newly elected the new Parliament will be markedly different from the one of 2004-2009. The opening session for the new term will be held in Strasbourg from 14-16 July.

A total of 50,1% of MEPs were re-elected in June, with the largest proportion coming from Malta with 80%. Thus, 49,8% of all the MEPs have been chosen for the first time, the highest proportion of them being from Lithuania with 75%.

The youngest MEP is Denmark's Emilie Turunen who is just 25. The oldest Member is Ciriaco De Mita of Italy who is 81.

Women & men

Women - 35,3 % (31,2 % in the outgoing Parliament)
Men - 64,6 % (68,7 % in the outgoing Parliament)
Highest proportion of women - 61,5 % (Finland)
Lowest proportion of women - 0,0 % (Malta)

Most votes

The MEPs who got the most votes personally was Silvio Berlusconi of Italy with 2,7 million ballots and Indrek Tarand of Estonia with 25,8 % of the votes.

Former Prime Ministers elected as MEPs

Jerzy Buzek, Poland
Jean-Luc Dehaene, Belgium
Ciriaco De Mita, Italy
Ivars Godmanis, Latvia
Anneli Jäätteenmäki, Finland
Lojze Peterle, Slovenia
Theodor Stolojan, Romania
Guy Verhofstadt, Belgium
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
Putting principles before profits