Monday, July 13, 2009

Bilateral Relations: Burma and China boost ties

Xinhua reports Burma's leader Vice Senior-General Maung Aye stressed the importance of boosting bilateral trade with China under normal trade system through border trade zone and transforming the trade into the major land trade center like Yangon Port, according to Monday's official media report.

"Permission has been given for regular trade between the two countries, so black market should have been no more," Maung Aye, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, told respective local authorities administrating the Muse 105th Mile Border trade Zone last weekend when he inspected the zone, said the New Light of Myanmar.

Yangon Port was previously the major source of transport for trade with foreign countries, but over the past two decades, border trade has been launched with immediate neighbors through land routes, he said, citing the Muse 105th Mile Border trade Zone in Muse that shares border with China and underlining that the trade volume of the zone is larger than any other land trade centers such as Myawaddy with Thailand and Tamu with India.

He urged the authorities with the border trade zone to educate and organize merchants to turn to legal border trade and pat taxes.

According to Minister of Commerce Brigadier-General Tin Naing Thein, after transforming Myanmar-China border trade into regular trade through the Muse border trade zone, Myanmar-China bilateral trade increased annually.

"In the past, sea lane was the usual means of transport for trade with foreign countries and now export and import are expedited with one stop service through the Muse border trade zone, proving the regular trade by land successful." Tin said.

I wonder if the two countries discussed human rights?
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits