Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Brazil: Brazil football team criticised by football union following on-field prayers

Jyllands-Posten - Danish football association DBU, has criticised Brazil’s players for holding an on-field team prayer after their Confederations Cup win in South Africa on Sunday.

Jim Stjerne Hansen, DBU’s managing director, said it was the length of the celebration that went over the line.

‘To mix religion and sport to such a degree was almost like creating a manifestation of a religious standpoint,’ he told Politiken newspaper. ‘And just as we don’t allow politics to be a part of the sport, we should also say no to religion.’

After Sunday’s match, most of the Brazilian team gathered in a circle on the pitch, where they thanked God and Jesus for the victory, with some players wearing T-shirts with Christian messages printed on them.

International football authority FIFA would not comment specifically on Sunday’s demonstration, but its rules strictly forbid any advertisement of political or religious beliefs.
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
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