Thursday, July 16, 2009

Iran: American student activists Organize Iran solidarity flash mobs

American students activists from across Washington, DC will gather for flash mobs in solidarity with Iranian students, announced Project Nur, the student-led initiative of the American Islamic Congress. On Friday (July 17), students will gather at 8:30 a.m. at Union Station and then proceed to various DC locations for the flash mob gatherings.

A flash mob is an electronically-organized event that creates the appearance of a seemingly random gathering of people. Participants gather and perform an unusual action for a brief moment, then quickly disperse.

"Our peers in Iran are dying for freedom, it is our duty to show that we are with them in these trying times," said Corina Kwami, Georgetown Project Nur president. Rather than protest in the traditional manner with signs and banners, the flash mob will offer an agitprop visual demonstration of support for those in the streets of Tehran, braving tear gas, bullets, and rocks.

"Now, more than ever, in light of even harsher police crackdowns, prison executions, and the 10th anniversary of 18th of Tir - where hundreds of students were brutally silenced - we need to show people in Iran how we stoutly support them," said Alaleh Solati. Project Nur chapters across the country will show support in the same manner in the coming weeks. Like their peers in Iran, student activists will be using Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, and other web sites to spread the word about these solidarity acts.

Project Nur ( is a student-led initiative of the American Islamic Congress, a civil rights organization promoting tolerance and the exchange of ideas among Muslims and between other peoples.

Source American Islamic Congress
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits