Saturday, August 29, 2009

Argentina: Argentina calls for "uniform doctrine" on foreign bases

Xinhua - Argentine President Cristina Fernandez, during the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) Extraordinary Summit, urged on Friday her South American counterparts for "what we agree (here) to be a uniform doctrine" for the region.

During the summit inauguration, Fernandez said: "If someone else comes with the decision of establishing (foreign) bases we cannot have a different criteria."

"If we agree this is an issue of national sovereignty it must be like that for everybody under any circumstance, if not we must set controller trust mechanisms to assure the sovereignty of all and each one" of the south American countries, Fernandez said.

Fernandez said that "the others can not be pushed" and during the deliberations "we will not only solve this moment, but we will do it forwards."

Fernandez, moderator of the discussion also requested her counterparts "to use a tone for all of use can express ourselves with the biggest freedom and respect, for the good of all."
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits