In his opinion, the parties involved in this game, concerning the settlement of the Karabakh conflict may reach such agreements behind the backs of Armenia, which would contradict to the interests of the country. Vardan Khachatryan explained that he speaks of Russia, Turkey and the United States, which projected deals.
According to Vardan Khachatryan, the fact of the tense relations between the countries is alarming, suddenly they started to develop and improve, which could have serious consequences for Armenia. “The fact that Russia has allowed the U.S. to transport humanitarian goods and technical supplies for its army in Afghanistan, testifies to something," Khachatryan said. The MP mentioned that everybody was surprised at the last meeting of Russian and Turkish prime ministers, resulted in a large number of agreements signed.
"Nagorno Karabakh is also involved in this game and the fate of Armenia can become a token coin at the transition phase of that game ", Vardan Khachatryan said.
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits
Armenia Russia Turkey International Relations Karabakh Nagorno
Putting principles before profits
Armenia Russia Turkey International Relations Karabakh Nagorno