Sunday, August 16, 2009

Iran Elections: For Hossein Mousavi, it wont be easy being green

Following the trend for"colour" revolutions, Iranian opposition leader Hossein Mousavi has launched the “Green Path of Hope”, social movement.

Mousavi, insists the election that kept Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in power was massively rigged and branded his government illegitimate.

“The Green Path of Hope is formed for the sake of people’s rightful demands and for claiming their rights,” Etemad Melli newspaper quoted Mousavi as saying in a meeting with members of doctors’ Islamic associations.

The report did not say when the meeting took place.

“Colour green is the symbol of this path and its demand is the complete implementation of the constitution,” he said. “Countless self-initiated and independent social networks form the body of this movement.”
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits