Under the new Universal Periodic Review (UPR) system, which started last year, all 192 Member States’ rights records will be reviewed by experts every four years. Iraq’s Government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) will submit human rights reports to the 47-member Human Rights Council – responsible for bolstering the promotion and protection of rights worldwide – in 2010.
The Human Rights Office of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), together with the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS), held a seminar in the northern city of Erbil earlier this month to train 25 NGOs, covering all parts of the country and a range of issues, to collaborate with government institutions to meet Iraq’s rights reporting obligations.
The four-day event wrapped up with the adoption of a work plan to prepare the civil society report. “UNAMI continues to stress respect for human rights in Iraq – particularly for vulnerable and minority groups – and compliance with international human rights obligations as a fundamental precursor to healthy nationhood,” according to a press release
Source: UN