Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, said on Friday that Riyadh would not consider forging links with Israel until it agrees to withdraw from all occupied Palestinian territories.
"Incrementalism and a step-by-step approach, has not and, we believe, will not lead to peace," al-Faisal said on Friday, after holding talks with Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, in Washington.
"Temporary security and confidence building measures will also not bring peace."
Al-Faisal said that Israel must adhere to what is stipulated in the Arab Peace Initiative, which has been endorsed by the 22-member Arab League, in order for it to have a constructive relationship with Saudi Arabia.
"What is required is a comprehensive approach that defines the final outcome at the outset and launches into negotiations over final status issues," he said.
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits
Palestine Israel Saudi Arabia Middle East Middle East Conflict
Putting principles before profits
Palestine Israel Saudi Arabia Middle East Middle East Conflict